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Creature Type:


Place of Origin:

Age Range:




Endymion, Dhenn Isles

85 - 120 years

Guards, Carpenters,



Werewolves are creatures that we often consider to be voracious monsters. They shift between human and beast, savagely destroying humans in an unknown rage. Aronian Werewolves are quite far from that stereotype, and are one of the most interesting creatures on the planet.


The Werewolves of Aronia are tribal peoples, living predominantly on the Dhenn Islands. They are not crazed murderers, but they are also not peaceful. They aggressively protect their home lands and their way of life from outsiders that attempt to take it over. Because the Dhenn Isles are rich in resources such as gold, silver and gemstones, and have some of the most beautiful and rare trees preferred by word workers, there is no shortage of people trying to gain some amount of control there. It is yet to happen, and hopefully never will.


The Aronian Werewolf is cultured despite their tribal ways. They have a deep love for music and creating. Having canine ears and canine hearing grants them a wider range of sounds. This may make the music very different for someone who cannot hear in the same range. The same can be said for their art - they use a more narrow range of colors due to their vision. Their homes and towns closely resemble the Norse - the architecture is unique and often ornately carved. These features bleed into their ship building. Their long ships are something of a wonder even to the more advanced humans in Trevisan. These ships are one of the ways that the Werewolves make their living.


The Aronian Werewolf also often works as guards and even might break off from their tribe to live as adventurers. They are very highly sought after as guards because of their physical characteristics and also because most werewolves from the Dhenn Isles spend no less than three years working and learning as guards in Ombra di Notta.


Werewolf Abilities

Werewolf Appearance

Werewolves would appear to be the least magically inclined of the races. Yet, things are not always as they appear! Long ago, the Werewolves were Cursed and unable to shift between their wolf and human forms. This also strangled their magical ability. However, once they have served as wereguard to Ombra di Notta, and lifted their curse, they are fairly adept. While not as powerful as the Fauns or Elves, they are stronger than the average human. Their magic is more raw, wild power drawn from not just the earth, but the moons. It is during the full trifecta they are at peak strength and can perform unbelievable amounts of sustained magic. Their areas of specialty are celestial events, divination, shape shifting, and precognition.

The Aronian Werewolf, before they serve as guards, are simply upright, wolf-like beings. They stand and walk like humans but are completely covered, in hair and have the heads of wolves. In that state they have a great deal of difficulty speaking the Aronian common. Their native language is a series of growls, yelps, barks, and howls. Their written language is much like runes.


Once their curse has been lifted the Werewolves can shift between their original form and more human. This allows them to speak better, use magic, and even breed more easily as their werewolf form has more canine like reproductive organs. Further, they usually birth more than one child at a time. It's not unusual for them to have up to four 'pups'.

Werewolf History

Werewolves have been in Aronia for thousands of years but were slow to grow. They were the 'pets' of the Ancients and were viewed as divine beings by the gods. This stifled their growth - they adopted the cultures and ways of their creators rather than making their own. Originally they were able to shift between beast and humanoid on a whim and often bred with the ancients. One of the best known demi-gods, Vánagani, was the child of an ancient and a werewolf. She was one of the Demi-Gods that rose against the ancients in the Great Burning and was the one that cursed the werewolves to never again be able to shift to a humanoid form.


Fig. 2. Werewolf Ship Captain


After the Great Burning the Werewolves were left to their own devices. The Ancients that watched over them were no longer to be seen and the Demi-goddess who had cursed them was destroyed, thus unable to remove her curse. It took them more than a thousand years to develop their own way of life.

Hope came when the Werewolves were approached by the Queen of Endymion to serve as guards for the capital city. Although she could not completely remove their curse all at once, she was able to imbue the city with enchantments and charms that would weaken and break the curse over time. These were carved and burned into the making of the massive wall that surrounds the city. Over three years their exposure unraveled and broke the curse, allowing them to finally be able to shift as they saw fit and use magic to the fullest of their potential. This pact has been in place for roughly 1500 years.

Fig. 3. Werewolf Shifting

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